“…the Amnesia games – Dark Descent, Justine and A Machine for Pigs.
Well, Grip used that inspiration to create a sort of mythos in his own work.
When it comes to Lovecraft, all of his works tend to have a sort of mythos to them like Cthulhu or the Kraken. I can just sit here and think ‘Whatever happens is going to happen.’” That’s the type of psychology he tried to capture in this game. My own volition doesn’t add to anything.’ That’s a sort of calming thought. I’m just stuck here, strapped in, and looking out. When talking about how his fear came to play with Den of Geek, he said, “One way that I overcame was to get inside a roller coaster and realize ‘Nothing I do can affect the outcome of this ride,’” Grip explains. Two of the inspirations for this game were Grip’s experience in overcoming his fear of heights and one of his favorite authors, H.P. Let’s walk through what went into this game to make it so popular. In its first year around 400,000 copies of it were sold, and only another year later, about 1.4 million units of it were sold. On September 8, 2010, ADD was released under Frictional Games as a survival horror PC game. Of course, ADD’s sequels were just as top notched, but today, we are going to talk about the making of this first game in the Amnesia empire from the point of view of its video game designer, Thomas Grip, so let’s dive into it. A lot of its popularity has to do with the more story driven scenarios rather than action-packed plays that came from popular horror games at the time like Resident Evil. One of the most notorious video games in the horror genre has to be Amnesia: The Dark Descent. “So many memories have dissipated in the mind-blunting of that period, when every thought, every feeling, every action was born out of intense anxiety.” Image from: Amnesia: The Dark Descent – Wikipedia